To inquire about membership with the Keystone Library Network, please contact the Keystone Library Network Coordinator, Kelly Mummert (Email:
Membership Criteria and Responsibilities:
- Converting data and using the Ex Libris Alma/Primo Library System within two years of contracting for service.
- Belong to IDS or be willing to ship library materials to other member libraries.
- Members must be fiscally sound to participate in consortia endeavors.
- Adhere to established KLN Standards.
- Members must have collections sufficient to serve the needs of their primary users and an increased access to their materials by other KLN member libraries.
- Provide the names of contact persons for cooperative activities and technical matters.
- Provide interlibrary loan services adhering to the standards and protocols of the Pennsylvania Interlibrary Loan Code.
- Allow on-site access and borrowing privileges to students and faculty of all KLN libraries.
- Participate in the Listserv of the KLN.
- Provide sufficient professional and staff support to implement and maintain systems locally according to the vendor and KLN specifications.
- For a list of member libraries and links to their websites, see Membership Libraries
- Members may access the members’ portal via the Members Only page