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- The Stack (6:46)
- The stack is made up of many high level components (such as Islandora, Drupal, Fedora-Commons, Apache Solr, etc) which may vary based on which content models you’re using. He goes over what each component is and what it does.
- Different Ways You Can Set Up Islandora (16:18)
- There’s no real fast rule on whether it should be on one or more servers. Generally it starts on one and is scaled later. Recommended minimum: 4-6 cores, 16BG-32BG RAM, 100-200GB for OS and temp files, volume large enough for repository data, and additional space could be required for staging content.
- The Stack – Performance (24:50)
- Talks about ways to improve performance, such as using Solr versus SPARQL, breadcrumb usage, Drupal options, and Varnis/memcached.
- Common Errors (28:06)
- Provides links that have the fixes since these errors are hard to troubleshoot.
- The Stack – Ingest Performance (32:16)
- The Stack – “Gotchas” (36:50)
- Islandora S3 Backup (43:10)
- Provides the ability to backup repository objects and data streams to Amazon S3/Glacier. Provides check-summing and optional regular fixity checks. Backups can be ad hoc or automatic. Restore directly from Glacier. Optional automatic OBJ purge functionality to save disk space after OBJ confirmed in S3/Glacier. Your server does not need to be on Amazon to utilize this feature; it can be local.
- Questions (48:10)
- Is the Islandora S3 backup module available as a module? (48:10)
- Extra gotchas discussed because of extra time/lack of questions (48:50)
- Can I run Drupal from MAMP using MYSQL provided through MAMP and Fedora using a separate install of MYSQL? And will that cause problems with Fedora communicating with Islandora or Drupal? (50:20)
- Any issues with SSL? (51:27)
- What is the high level set-up for a read-only Fedora in the multiserver setup showed? What is the general high level approach to keep the two Fedora’s synced? (54:38)
- Any additional updates on the development status for Tetoka (sp?) replacements? (56:00)
- Follow-up, as you mentioned earlier, how the single storage mount block would be a bottle neck? (56:40)