How does a library become a member of the Keystone Library Network?
To inquire about membership with the Keystone Library Network, please contact the Keystone Library Network Coordinator, Kelly Mummert (Email:
We know that libraries outside of PASSHE may join KLN. Does it matter if the institution is private?
Yes, Geneva College is a private college and a member of the Keystone Library Network.
What is expected of a Network member?
We expect KLN Libraries to be members of a vital organization not simply customers of a hosted software environment. In fact, because we are part of state government we can only offer library software hosting services to institutions that support the goals of the Pennsylvania Library Code and who help with the work of providing shared library services.
What are the criteria for being a member?
See Membership.
Can KLN members outside of PASSHE participate in the collaborative procurement of electronic databases, journals, etc.?
Absolutely. We will just need to add your institution to existing contracts.
For example, we have a current contract with EBSCO and have discounted pricing on Academic Search Complete. Generally. there would need to be six members purchasing a title to receive discounts on databases.
What would be a typical implementation timeline / time-frame for such an institution?
Within three months of signing the contract. We will keep the current system up for everything except circulation which can be stored until the new system is in place. We will upgrade to the current version of Voyager and re-index.