FirstSearch Configuration Notes
The following notes use Geneva as an example, since the notes originated there.
FirstSearch must first be configured in FirstSearch admin: You need the firstsearch admin 9 digit code and password. Go to linking tab -> Web Library Catalogs -> updated ISBN, ISSN, eISSN and OCLC URL.
Here are the links used:
- ISBN,contains,
- ISSN,contains,
- OCLC# (needed to request special index added to advanced search for this one to work),contains,
These links are sloppy, the query section has just been removed so that the search term could be inserted at the end. The actual placeholder text is {rft.isbn} so thus: https://yourlibrary/primo-explore/search?query=isbn,contains,{rft.isbn},AND&tab=default_tab&search_scope=default_scope&sortby=rank&vid=VID&mode=advanced&offset=0
The OCLC number search is a local norm rule done for Geneva locally, not all libraries might have it, and depending on what else they have added to the search fields, it might be a different lsr##. Whether or not the prefix should be added to the OCLC numbers or whether a custom prefix is added depends on local practices with how the libraries imported records through the years.